Saturday, August 27, 2005

Hamas's Leader Vows Campaign to Rid Palestinian Land of Israeli Occupation

After forcing Israel to withdraw from Gaza, Hamas leader Mohammad Deif promised to continue with the resistance until Israel is out of all Palestinian land. His claims that the resistance is the reason behind Israel's recent withdrawal from Gaza comes in light of Sharon's comments that securing this reason is bleeding the Israeli economy and fully containing the resistance elements there is "just no longer possible" Full Story. I added a link to an anaylsis of the price Israel pays for going to war with the resistance. I do not think they can afford it Full Analysis.
And yet many experts say that was is going on is not helping the peace process at all, namely the expansion of settlements in the West Bank and the building of the wall that will eventually isolate the Muslim Holy mosque from its patrons. This will spark a new wave of resistance and if the mosque is isolated from the indigenous Muslim population, the weight of the resistance will invariably break Israel's economic back and jeopardize its own existence. Yet they continue to go ahead with their plan thinking the nice drama they played a couple of weeks agao has bought them diplomatic capital. Now the head of Hamas is officially resuming the resistance and ending peacetime policies with the Apartheid state. What their arrongance will not teach them, our forces will, declared one Hamas supporter.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Thousands of Settlements to be Built in the West Bank as Israel seizes Palestinian Land

The Jewish population in the West Bank is rapidly expanding as more Palestinian land is seized in the region. Read it for yourself Full Story. The idea is if they build enough then the Jewish population will swell to swallow the entire West Bank as the wall finds its way into Palestinian farmland and Palestinians finding themselves kicked out of their farms and houses.

Earlier when the evacuations were under way the Palestinian authority were cheering and celebrating in the streets becuase they actually got something back, well they lost the cream of crop, the West Bank, a mistake which Arabs and history alike will look upon in forever with disgust. One thing has been broken and it wasnt the ice, it was any ounce of hope forever there being peace in the region.

Sunni Leaders Say No Deal, Shiites, Kurds Will Pass it Anyway

Sunni leaders working on the drafting of the Iraq constitution have said that what is being offered to them is far from what the Iraqi people need and that such a constitution will divide the country. This had led them to reject the constitution as it currently stands. In return the Kurds and Shiites have decided to introduce the constitution without Sunni concurrence in the coming referandum. The constitution seeks to split Iraq into three federated provinces with Kurds getting most of the oil rich fields and the Sunnis receive most of the lands lacking resources. This will prove to be a fatal mistake. Not getting the Sunni vote will only increase the insrugency and start on all out war in the streets of Baghdad and other areas against American occupation forces all over Iraq.

Iraqis miss third deadline while Insurgency Looms Overhead

So they could'nt even reach a decision by the third deadline date. They have come to a conclusion. The Shiite and Kurds threatened to dissolve the parliament (marginalize and undermine the Sunnis) and place the constitution on a referandum. All the while insurgents seem to be bracing for another charge at the capital. All the while, 36 bodies were found in a dry river bed. All were tied behind their backs and bullet holes in the heads (execution style). The police for some reason said the dead were wearing the kind of trousers worn by Kurds, the long baggy ones. But when reporters looked for themselves they found they had been wearing regular pants. Hmm something smells fishy. If you ask me, I'd say they were one of the many Iraqi security forces that met their end at the hands of the insurgency but the police were too embarassed to admit it. Iraqi police are sitting ducks and have proven themselves to be an embarassment to all police forces. They have fallen victims to many much smaller insurgent forces and have been known to lose skirmishes and even lose their own ground. That is not because they are stupid or cowardky but that they are just being sent into the force with formality training with no real basis for police. All they are given is a gun and told to be careful. Well what did you expect the LAPD?!

Reporter Points Out Media Recruitment and Agenda Behind Gaza Withdrawals

Once again news that is hot off the event! Finally someone who gets it. This reporter is an information consultant in Ramallah. She saw the recruitment of reporters to the Israeli story of anguish which Palestinian Authority Leader Abbas also helped contrive. Big mistake for the Palestinian midget whose failures to see through the agenda of Israel may one day cost the Palestinians more land loss and destruction of the Aqsa mosque. Full Story

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Egyptian Forces Raid Northern Sinai City of el-Arish, 650 in custody

One hour ago, a force of 3,500 Egyptian police backed with 20 armored vehicles raided the Northern Sinai city of el-Arish (40 km away from Gaza) going door to door and frontier expeditions looking for militants. The results were the detainment of over 650 of the city's residents. This does not include the 750 egyptian soldiers being dispatched to Gaza's border with Egypt in the effort of stopping the infiltration of weapons and elements of the palestinian resistance. These buffer forces, although Egyptian will be given instructions by elements of the Israeli military. While the Knesset is yet to approve the deployment, the agreement is in its last phases and is expected to pass pending resolution of logistic issues.

I spent a year in el-Arish, its a tiny small, quiet coastal city, I can not imagine the magnitude of fear the people must have felt seeing a force as large as 3,500 thundering into the city and believe me the Egyptian police likes to put on a show of force with occasional beating of anyone who so much as looks one of the officers in the eye. Hmm seems to me like another show for Israel, to show them they are worthy of the agreement. How high should I jump mubarak says to Sharon. Just jump and we will see is his reply.

Israel: The Storm Begins, Jerusalem is Under Siege

A couple of days ago I posted a message saying this would be the beginning of a new occupation, one that is now armed with sympathy from the U.S. and others who have seen the many pictures of the "anguish" that Israel had to go through and what they want us to think the HUGE sacrifice they made. Israel has just seized Palestinian land in the West Bank to link a Jewish Settlement in the occupied West Bank to Jerusalem. Officials say this step could isolate Palestinians from Jerusalem, from the Holy Mosque or Al-Quds. To all those who were naive enough think the Israelies had peace on their minds, welcome to reality. The Israelies have had their eye on destroying the mosque for a long time. And if they do, they will be setting themselves on a severe collision course with the Muslim world. And who might be left to cover Israel's geussed it, Uncle Sam. This undoubtedly might be start something historical. I can see it now, Palestinians having to choose between the third holiest site in Islam and a state of their own, and the Muslims of the world stand watching. I hate to speak so apocalyptically, but this only happened an hour ago and I want to get in all my thoughts before anything further develops. I will keep you posted.
crazy times we live in...crazy times

The Battle for Baghdad Begins

Well, I can not say I never expected this. New Yorker columnist Seymore Hersh given his sources and research indicated on several occasions that there would soon be a battle for Baghdad. Well, this battle is here and now. The insurgency has launched what experts say a sophisticated and well coordinated offensive in Baghdad with a force of about 30-40 civilian vehicles using RPGs, hand-held grenades, AK-47s and machines, attacking police stations and headquarters. This comes in light of yesterday's attack where a vehicle detonated in Baquba killing two Americans and wounding 10 (9 American soldiers and one civilian contracter), . This brings the total of Americans dead in the month of August to 73 and a total of 1871 American death since the war started. And yet the progress towards ending the insurgency is at a zero. Though the offensive launched today went on for 90 minutes, 5 police officers were killed and only one insurgent was dead. This is a major development since an attack of that scale usually means that a full scale insrugent battle for the city is under way. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The U.S. Served Chavez a bowl of Instant Coup! Geuss he was'nt hungry

The United States immediately denied and marginalized Televangilist Pat Robertson's call to kill a democratically elected leader of a sovereign nation (aka, thats not the way we do things you idiot!). But what they do is stage uprisings and fund opposition groups, yes it comes in a nice ready to use package (CIA operatives included). Below is an awesome site full of resourced and links on the dirty workings of the US Army school of the Americas and how they are the man at post if you will for overthrowing regimes in the region. Articles

Pat Robertson Says Kill Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

This guy never seems to run out of stupid thnigs to say. To order for the execution of the president of a sovereign nation, is well in the words of one US Senator, incredibly stupid! I could not agree more. All this intimidation by US rhetoric has gotten us somewhere though. In light of recent threats by US officials and now the call for his assasination by American's premier televangelist, Hugo Chavez is now strengthening ties with Iran. Hmm both countries are huge suppliers of oil. Looks like the neocons will be walking to the pentagon from now on. Robertson said "We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come to exercise that ability''. Full Story

Pat Buchanan Calls Iran Crisis another Neocon Agenda

My fellow blogger Jake Porter sent me this link for an article written by Pat Buchanan last week...thanks Jake! It gives strategic reasons and motive why the Iran controversy os once again pushing our country to Israel's dirty work at the cost of our nation. Whatever you may think about Pat Buchanan, forget the guy and read what he actually says and if it makes sense then who he is really makes no difference. It sure made sense to me. The short answer to why we want to get rid of Iran is to preserve U.S. hegemony and Israel's inferiority complex. Read for yourself and let me know your thoughts. Full Article

Monday, August 22, 2005

Israel, Dividing from Within

The evacuations of Gaza has gotten some extremist zionists so mad that they are contemplating armed resistance, so much so that they are referring to this uprising as a Masada or something so horrifying the message will be unforgettable (one example is the mass suicide committed by one thousand Jews while holding off the Roman army in 74 AD. Some reports even say that some settlers and non-resident infilitrators are stockpiling weapons in the settlements of the West Bank. The Israeli military and police say they are more than prepared to meet and contain any such militant action. This would seem as more than simply a group of vigilantes for throughout the 1990's Israeli extremists have taken to the mountainous areas where it is harder for the army to close off, plant a flag and declare it an autonomous region. Prof. Ami Pedahzur, an expert on Israel's far right and a political scientist at the University of Haifa, says many of the new generation will no longer serve in the army and instead espouse these extremist groups dubbed "hilltop youth".
Though these are scattered groups they do haveAryeh Eldad, a far right-wing parliament member who regularly camps out with these groups and might be a future leader of this growing extremist movement. That along with the resignation of Benjamin Netanyahu, and the angry masses in Israel, the apartheid state is beginning to divide from within and the possibility of civil war is now not so far fetched. There seems to be great disconnect between the people and reality. Israel only gave up Gaza becuase it was a liability, it was bleeding the Israeli economy in terms of maintaining security for its 9000 residents. Despite the fact that Israel is increasing its operations in the West Bank, the settlers need much much more from their country, a more stringent militaristic policy with the Palestinians and Arabs in general and security. With the strength of the Palestinian resistance, Israeli officials know all too well, that is simply not possible both physically and strategically. Full Story

URGENT: You Heard it Hear, The Calm Before the Storm

I want everyone to remember where he was and what he was doing, today is likely to be a turning point in history. Israel has completed its withdrawal from Gaza and part of the West Bank. Smart move by Israel, not in regards to the peace process but because it traded in two losing cards for a winning one, Israel now has the political leverage it needs to further its agenda in the region without so much as a scuffle from the United States and other nations. The great show we say these past few weeks of Israeli anguish and all that simulated pain will now pay off for them. I have this sinking feeling that Sharon is about to go all out and occupy the areas of his choosing. This might be the beginning of another intifada, what is worse is that when he occupies he will trigger the resistance. That will fulfill his promise that any act of what he calls terrorism will meet a response never before seen. That completes the loop boys and girls! You think this much unneeded pessimism? Watch the events unfold for yourself

Sunday, August 21, 2005

There Goes the Neighborhood! Texans no longer buy into the war

What started out as one woman's anguish over the death of her son in Iraq has spiraled into what could be the beginning of the collapse Bush's strongest front in the support of the war in Iraq, his own home state of Texas. Cindy Sheehan who first kicked off this wave of anger at the war demanded to simply see the president to ask him for what purpose did her eagle scout, honor student, marine lost his life in a war that has been waged under false pretenses. Well Bush replied by saying that he realizes that some people have somethings to say but that needs to "get on with my [his] life". That did not go too well for the American people as hundreds are now marching on Crawford Texas in protest of the war and demanding some answers and accountability. Full Story (rising tensions Full Story)

I just have a couple of things to say. First off I feel for the Sheehan, I mean given his accomplishments and promise as a young man, I think we all lost a very valuable citizen of our country. But why did she only start protesting when her son died as opposed to when he was first deployed. Is there a disconnect in her mind between going to a battlefield and dying. It is hard to believe she did not at least entertain this possibility. In fact I think she never considered it would happen to her which tells a greater truth about the level of disconnect of the American people with harsh realities of wartime. She might have seen the US military as invincible and with all that strength and the odds with them and said how could anything go wrong. It is only when the worst happened that she began to question why it is that we are out there killing people for no honorable reason. Sure you might turn a blind eye to the justification when we have all the strength...we can always come up with any half-assed reason to march behind. But now when we seem to be losing, we sit down and really question why are we going through this. Well she is not alone, not only was she make a bet that was not as safe she thought but the whole country fell for Iraq being a cake walk, thanks to Pentagon officials and Israeli intelligence which is taking alot of heat right now for lying to the country into going to war. All I have to say is...let the backlash begin.