Sunday, September 25, 2005

Hurricane Sheehan Hits Washington DC

This hurricane season is one of not only natural disasters but also natural consequences to the war in Iraq. Cindy Sheehan and 100,000 supporters made landfall at the U.S. capital calling for an immediate end to the war in Iraq. But that wasnt the only place where thousands called for the end of the illegal war, the following cities and countries also saw major protests:

Washington DC
Los Angeles
San Francisco

Brussels, Belgium
Florence, Italy
Rome, Italy
Paris, France
Madrid, Spain
Calgary, Canada
Vancouver, Canada
Halifax, Canada
Ottawa, Canada
Toronto, Canada
London, England

This is truly war that the entire human species is going against. I wonder if any of the deaf ears are starting to listen...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now when you say "illegal" you mean a war that was not approved by the UN.
...And when I say "the UN" I mean the corrupt organization that first sanctioned Iraq and ordered it to disarm, but later decided it was ok a decade of already defying such resolutions, and even decided that it was ok for Saddam to sell oil contracts to UN officials at a cheap rate, have them sell it at a higher price, buy cheap food for the iraqi people, and have both Saddam and the UN pocket what was left of it.
...And when I say "the UN....sanctioned Iraq" I mean they didn't let anyone trade with Iraq, unless you were France, Russia, Germany, China or anyone else for the most part.
...And when I say "trade" I mean selling of French missiles made in 2003, French passports, Russian electronics, and various Chinese and German military technology.
...And when I say "French, Russian, Chinese and German" I mean leading members of the United Nations who call this war "illegal."

1:27 AM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

No, when I say illegal I say a war that has no basis in security, morality or justice. You see the UN has long ago lost its credibility for endorsing what is right. Saddam is a bastard, but he's our bastard and we helped him gain power now were took him out...all at the expense of a nation. Do you think its legal when I come in to your house, start arming one brother against another, then coming to take over the the whole house and reducing it to a shanty. I sure as hell dont.

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean Saddam is "our" bastard? He came into power through a military coup in 1968, and his military was built up by the Soviet Union. France (then Prime Minister Jacques Chirac specifically) even built him a nuclear reactor and provided him with French scientists to help him run it. As for your claim that this war had no security basis, I for one can see a threat in a nation run by a mad man, which has invaded 2 nations and launched missiles at another, refused to disarm, ignored sanctions and was buying off members of the UN security council in order to lift such restrictions and rebuild its weapons programs, all the while starving and murdering its citzens.

6:20 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

He is our bastard because:

1. We bought him off to fight the war with Iran back in the 1980's and gave billions in funds to build his arsenal.

read this pre-war article:

2. We provided him with the chemical weapons he needed to gas the Kurds later in the 80's in an effort to quell the rebellion and stop kurds from allying with iran.

Now, it was not a security problem because:

1. Had no established links with alqaeda (secular saddam vs. radical extremists). All intelligence came from second hand sources (so the hindsight argument does not work)

2. No WMD's were found by inspectors and none found until now.

3. Saddam made no threats to attack the U.S. anymore than Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, Mohammad Khatami of Iran, Kim Jung Il of North Korea, or other disgrunteled former sell out clients of the U.S. black bank account.

4. Saddam was told by the U.S. that they would not interfere with the Arab affairs should he invade kuweit. He did and he like a buffoon was double crossed.

So you see why he is our bastard becuase he was on our payroll for so long and because the magnitude of the crimes he committed were paid for by US dollars.

The U.S. and the United Nations are responsible for the deaths of the millions of Iraqis that died during the sanctions and the war. Saddam Hussein was a lunatic criminal but supported by an administration that now claims to spread freedom and democracy.

First we said we went there for our own security, now that was established to be false, now we say we are there to spread demicracy. Who the hell do they think theyre fooling?

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Our" Bastard

1. "We bought him off to fight" with Iran? I can't decide what's more illogical with that statement...We giving Iraq "billions" to fight with Iran for no reason...or Iraq deciding to fight in a war because we asked them to? The Iran-Iraq war was over land. Why would we want one nation(Iran or Iraq) dominating the middle east as well as the mideast oil market? Helping Iraq was just going to keep it stable. We also didn't give him "billions" to build his arsenal. We only sold him about 25 unarmed helicopters. Unless Saddam fought the war chopping up Iranians with the propeller would be idiotic to say we built up his arsenal...especially when 90% of his arsenal was Soviet. just looking at both sides arsenals, it would be easier to claim that we were on Iran's side given the technology we gave them before the Shah was toppled.

2. We did not give him any chemical weapons. Upon examining victims of these chemical attacks, UN specialist have found that most of the toxins with a dicernable origin are Soviet and the rest was probably produced by Iraq itself, because the traces of chemicals don't match the chemicals used by other nations who manufacture it.

Secuirty Problem

1. I never claimed he had a link to Al-Qaeda or if that was what made him dangerous...

2. Numerous rounds of Sarin and Mustard Gas, 2 tons of partially enriched uranium, 500 tons of yellowcake, and about 30-40 planes buried in the sand including MIG-25s, and Su-25 ground attack jets.

3. I'd advocate dealing with all of those SOBs, but somehow I don't think you think any nation that "makes threats" is worth dealing with.

4. I don't see how this is relevant to what you're talking about...but like I said earlier, nobody wants one nation controlling the mideast oil market.

The United States isn't responsible for Saddam raping, murdering, gasing, or starving his own people. That was his doing. The United Nations didn't help because they didn't enforce it's own resolution, and stole from their own Oil-for-Food program by giving the Iraqis low quality food and sharing the profit with Saddam so he could buy brand new French Missiles to use in this war.

And actually if you heard/read Bush's statement before the Iraq war started you'd know he was committed to bringing Iraq democracy.

I hope you one day get around to learning actual history from legitamate sources...and continue with your blog. It's been fun...

2:52 AM  
Blogger tim said...

I think our present status in Iraq is proof enough that this administration was simply not thinking clearly when we invaded. OR that they were not being up front with the country. I suspect it was a combination of both.

Well, at least we all agree that this is about oil.

7:13 AM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

Its not my job to explain to you why things happened, its my job to tell you that it did happen. And if you are a student of history you will go back and facethe ugly truth that we pushed Iraq and stood behind it in the fight against Iran. The U.S. wanted to topple the regime that ousted the shah and took its ambassadors hostage. Furthermore if you think we really sold them unarmed helicopters and that was it than who is really the illogical one here (again go back to the history). I dont think Rumsfeld would go all the way to Iraq to sell Saddam a bunch of helicopters (did you see the picture) or even read the contract report signed between them, we did give him billions.

The United States IS responsible becuase they led the call for sanctions that starved the people. The UN is also responsible for going ahead and enforcing it.

I dont think its worth arguing with someone who has already made up his mind. If you think Iraq was really a threat given the mounting evidence that it wasnt then why havent we found anything. Which SOB's do you really advocating dealing with? The ones Israel doesnt like.

So youre listing to me the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq eh, wonderful! The president would sure like to know where they are! This is a blatant lie that I do not appreciate, none of these were found in Iraq. BTW since when is a country not allowed to have fighter planes!

If you wish to simply sign off a blank check of trust to Bush and the neocons go for it, but this American aint letting anybody pull the wool over his eyes. As much as I am an American I am even moreso a human and I cant expect my country to go around instigating fights lying to us then starting wars and not get any crticism from me. Dont forget we are the only ones who have ever actually used a nuke that killed many innocent people.

Its been fruitless

10:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

educate yourself.

9:01 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

Michael Yon is as much an expert on the Iraq war as Tom Cruise is on the history of psychology!

10:29 PM  

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