Monday, September 05, 2005

Donate and Leave a Comment: Join the Coyote Hall of Heroes

Irvine Coyote..................$100.00

(If you click this link and donate, please leave a comment with your name and amount, we need to keep tally of how much we make.)

Please donate to the victims of the Hurrican Katrina. click on the link and give to save the lives of your fellow Americans. It took the Federal government over five days to respond and people long will it take you. Do'nt make the same mistake, respond now with your donation (safe and secure). God bless and Godspeed


Blogger tim said...

I sent 50 bucks my coyote friend.

What do you got? Beat it. I dare ya.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

I accept your dare! I just sent 60 right now. See if you or your buddies can top that!

4:45 PM  
Blogger tim said...

I just sent another 20 bringing my total to 70 (Marie gets some credit though, she offered me a Yoshinoya dinner if I sent more... beef bowl here I come!!).

Your move.

5:52 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

Ah so its Marie and Tim versus the coyote eh, well I just sent another 40 dollars, and like you said on your blog I dont think any of us could live with themselves if they did not give anything!

6:12 PM  
Blogger tim said...

Sadly, I think I'm pretty much maxed out.

You are indeed a worthy foe!

6:22 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

Indeed I am, but because of you we made 170 between the both of us, if we had enough people thinking like that we would be in great shape indeed, which I think we are.

6:37 PM  
Blogger bryan said...

I put five dollars into the Red Cross collection box at work, but it seems like a rather trivial amount compared to you two.

1:41 AM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

I truly believe its the size of the heart of the person contributing as opposed to the amount. Five dollars given with love and sincerity can far exceed the value of many multiples.

BTW nice hearing from you bryan, first time in years ;)

2:48 AM  
Blogger bryan said...

I sent you an email the other day, I hope you got it.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

Hey Bryan,

my email is, maybe you have the older email, just checking since I did not get your email.
All the best

12:45 PM  
Blogger bryan said...

I thought that's where I sent it. Oh well, I shall try again soon.

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Comments about Hurricane Katrina victims by the mother of President George Bush have fuelled the ire of some Americans, who see the Bush family as out-of-touch patricians.

The refugees in Houston, Texas, were "underprivileged anyway" and life in the Astrodome sports arena is "working very well for them", former first lady Barbara Bush said in a radio interview.

"Almost everyone I've talked to says: 'We're going to move to Houston,' " Mrs Bush said late on Monday after visiting evacuees at the Astrodome with her husband, former president George Bush.

"What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality," she said.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this - this is working very well for them."

Let them eat cake! I say.

12:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why am I not surprised of this picture?

8:06 PM  

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