Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Hurrican Katrina Strikes the United States!

This is not political but, this is one of the biggest disasters that hit our country and information needs to be disseminated. I was in New Orleans two years ago for a conference. It was the Sugar bowl back then and the streets were full of happy people going wild, after the game becuase of LSU's victory, I remember the French Quarter, the haunted trail to the cemetary, bourbonne street, Algeria Island, the Aquarium of the Americas. It is hard to believe that now it is underwater almost 80% of it! Full Story.

It is not only our civic duty to help our fellow Americans in need, but it is the most basic human right on one another. We helped with the Tsunami back then well lets help now. More details later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still no help. People are dying. Why is it taking the Feds so long? You think they should've been ready before even when the hurricane was predicted to hit. No doubt more lives could've been saved if they were more prudent.

LA was denied by the Bush Administration for funds to reinforce the levy. Guess they needed more money for pork and barrel spending and tax cuts for the wealthy 10%.

6:58 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

Indeed my friend still no help from the Feds. But I'll be honest with you I can't blame them. A majority of the national guard, you know the forces that protect our homeland? Well they have been dragged to Iraq. All the urban warfare going on right now could have been prevented if we had our boys to cover our backs. In addition, alot of the funds that should be allocated to these events (however rare) should have been conserved. But they have been squandered on the war.

I remain hopeful that we can help eachother through donations in these harsh times. Each citizen should not rely on the government in this time of need but their own conscience and sense of duty.

11:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's also funny how the Bush administration first rejected intl help but now they changed their minds. Apparently they are only organized when they go after political opponents but not when it comes to running the country.

And I also suppose Bush will now say he got bad intelligence on the state of the levee.

12:43 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

Who does Bush think he is by denying his people the aid they need despite the fact that he says the national response has been insufficient. He's put himself in a precarious situation. I think from scientific perspective they never realized the hurrican would be so specific so as to thist this corner of the US which is a geological soft spot that cannot withstand a hurricane without the strong levees to protect the corners. Whats crazy is some people are saying this hurricane was an act of war by another nation perhaps Iran...seriously for those of you who have so much time on your hands to make up BS like that please take it somewhere else.

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They probably said Al quaeda supporters are saying Katrina joined the jihad, or something to that effect.

5:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush is not trying to deny aid. He's just incompetent. I hope this will blow up in his face and the other half of the country will finally realize that. I hope the media and congress will bring up the debate of domestic funding for disasters such as this and why Bush only gave New Orleans 40 million when they asked for 120 million. I doubt they didn't have enough money because Alaska got a 250 million to build a bridge nobody will use.

It's just blacks not having a voice with this administration because they never vote Republican. And this is a very vindictive administration. The GOP might be also eyeing this as an opportunity turn LA into a red state this November as hundreds of thousands of blacks have left.

5:27 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

hmm interesting, I do not know whether it is by incompetence or having the pride of one man stand in the way of the salvation of a disaster, but according to initial reports diplomats offering aid from respective countries were turned away.

At any rate, if the whole iraq war scandal did not land him in hot water, I doubt this will...but then again this home. But perhaps the reason why it wont is because the GOP has control of well, everything. In the words of Jon Stewart, the democratic party was, I dunno about is.

Dont know if this spells the end for the GOP for a while, I think if Dean can get it together we could see a democratic president next time. But I am not even sure if we will have a next time (marshall law?).

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh well, this always cheers me up.


9:39 PM  

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