Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Egyptian Forces Raid Northern Sinai City of el-Arish, 650 in custody

One hour ago, a force of 3,500 Egyptian police backed with 20 armored vehicles raided the Northern Sinai city of el-Arish (40 km away from Gaza) going door to door and frontier expeditions looking for militants. The results were the detainment of over 650 of the city's residents. This does not include the 750 egyptian soldiers being dispatched to Gaza's border with Egypt in the effort of stopping the infiltration of weapons and elements of the palestinian resistance. These buffer forces, although Egyptian will be given instructions by elements of the Israeli military. While the Knesset is yet to approve the deployment, the agreement is in its last phases and is expected to pass pending resolution of logistic issues.

I spent a year in el-Arish, its a tiny small, quiet coastal city, I can not imagine the magnitude of fear the people must have felt seeing a force as large as 3,500 thundering into the city and believe me the Egyptian police likes to put on a show of force with occasional beating of anyone who so much as looks one of the officers in the eye. Hmm seems to me like another show for Israel, to show them they are worthy of the agreement. How high should I jump mubarak says to Sharon. Just jump and we will see is his reply.


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