Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson Says Kill Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

This guy never seems to run out of stupid thnigs to say. To order for the execution of the president of a sovereign nation, is well in the words of one US Senator, incredibly stupid! I could not agree more. All this intimidation by US rhetoric has gotten us somewhere though. In light of recent threats by US officials and now the call for his assasination by American's premier televangelist, Hugo Chavez is now strengthening ties with Iran. Hmm both countries are huge suppliers of oil. Looks like the neocons will be walking to the pentagon from now on. Robertson said "We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come to exercise that ability''. Full Story


Blogger Jake Porter said...

Pat Robertson always has some interesting comments about nuking the state department or asking God to force some supreme court judges to retire. I try not to talk about religion and politics at the same time they are two different subjects but Pat Robertson mixes them very well.

12:45 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

He usually says something that is well relatively benign, but to call out to over a million of his faithful listeners that it is best Chavez be killed. What if some wacko does pull it off, this country will have to account for it. The more rehtoric that comes out, the more all everyone who has beef with the U.S. will begin to talk and coordinate from North Korea all the way down to Venezuela.

1:08 PM  
Blogger tim said...

The worst part about all of this, is that this is PRECISELY what Chavez is looking for. He's been ranting about how the US wants to assassinate him for ages but no one listened to him. What Robertson did served Chavez in two ways, it gave his claims legitamacy and gave him all sorts of publicity. Having lived in Venezuela for three months I can tell you, this is not what this country needs...

7:24 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

This is so reminiscent of the liberian crisis with John Paul Aristide, only in this case as in Saddam's case it seems that the coup did not exactly succeed (before the war ofcourse). I do not blame the guy for not wanting to go down quietly like many more we do not even hear about. I am posting several sources indicating that the US was behind the failed coup through its local military academy, I'm sure you are familiar with it Tim, the US Army of the Americas, most of the force behind the coup were trained in fort Benning Georgia.

BTW hope youre having a good time up in Stanford Tim, its always enlightening to hear your take on things

8:26 PM  

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