Saturday, August 20, 2005

U.N. Finds Evidence to Back Up Iran Nuclear Claim

The UN nuclear agency has found evidence to suggest that the traces of highly enriched uranium (the purity of which is needed to build nuclear weapons) is not coming from the Iranians. Instead the sources are contaminations on equipment imported from nuclear nations such as Pakistan which sold Iran the contaminated centrifuge parts. How did they find out? They took parts from centrifuges in Pakistan and parts from Iran at the site where the traces first raised concerns. The results? A senior Western diplomat asserted that the traces of highly enriched uranium on centrifuge parts were indeed from imported equipment and were not made by Iran. I geuss its back to square one for the hawks in the Pentagon and Israel. Eat your heart out Wolfowitz. Full Story


Blogger Jake Porter said...

I don't think there is as much of a problem with Iran as we are lead to believe.

You might like to read this article by Pat Buchanan that says the crisis in Iran is fake.

5:30 AM  

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