Sunday, September 04, 2005

Blacks Loot, whites just find things...This is disgusting

This made me want to throw up! Look closely at the captions:

caption (top): a young man walks through chest deep flood after LOOTING a grocery store in New Orleans on Tuesday August 30, 2005. Flood waters continue to rise after Hurrican Katrina did extensive damage....

caption (bottom) Two residents wade through chest deep water after FINDING bread and soda from a local grocery store after hurrican Katrina came through the area in New Orleans Louisiana.

1. Note how they refer to the black guy as "a young man" implying some sort of hoodlum while they refer to the two white people who seem to be of the same age as "residents" implying legitmate members of society.

2. Note how they call one things differently, the black guy had just looted, while the white couple simply found stuff a the local grocery store.

3. Note how they mention what the whites took..just bread and soda while they make no mention of what the black guy took referring to it collectively as loot..did you ever think that both had taken things to survive!

Now Rush Limbaugh, who has shown himself to be a bigger douchebag than I expected (and thats really saying something) saying no body forced the black people to come to louisiana and stay poor, while O'reilly (Limbaugh's TV bitch) says this is whole race thing is irrelevant.

Then you have the representative from FEMA saying some people chose not to leave...MAYBE BECAUSE THEY COULDNT YOU CLUELESS MORON!

BTW Big Big Kudos to Kanye west for speaking his mind on MSN during the fundraiser, he's right, its sickening to see this racial profiling even in our darkest hour, and he's right when he said Bish doesnt care about black people. Kudos to Al Sharpton as well for sheding light on the demographic issue and urban decay problem.

Like I said guys it all about us citizens helping eachother, not some a-hole politicians thanking eachother behind limosine/motorcades while people are raped, killed and die in the streets of the very cities and states they were sworn to protect.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same reason why the news only announce white women being missing. I've never seen them publicize people of color being missing.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

Yeah, I geuss they assume the black girls ran away to become prostitutes right? I apologize for the sarcasm but its surprizing how even in the worst of tragedies, we have to put up with this ingrained racism, its like a stain on the fabric of American that just would not go away!

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush can do no wrong. His rating stays the same. I don't get it. How can people be this gullible?

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

link got cut off.

5:42 PM  
Blogger Irvine Coyote said...

Yeah, I found the link to video on another awesome blog called, it has clips of my favorite funny man jon stewart, but it also has a video of the incident. MSNBC are cowards and a shame to the media in a country that prides itself with not having censorship and had it not been for the internet we here on the west coast would not have heard about it.

1:24 PM  

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