Saturday, August 20, 2005

Jewish Task Force Calls Blacks "Apes" on Online Radio Speech

I could not believe my ears hearing this! The radio host Federman referred to African Americans as apes. Listen to his radio show as he spews his hatred and racism. I can tell you from personal experience his hatred, feeling of supremacy and arrogance are things that are very foreign to the authentic Jewish religion. The authentic religion preaches peace, tolerance and love. This however, is Zionism true Zionism which is not even religiously based.
Here is the link and see for yourself!
Jewish Task Force Website

U.N. Finds Evidence to Back Up Iran Nuclear Claim

The UN nuclear agency has found evidence to suggest that the traces of highly enriched uranium (the purity of which is needed to build nuclear weapons) is not coming from the Iranians. Instead the sources are contaminations on equipment imported from nuclear nations such as Pakistan which sold Iran the contaminated centrifuge parts. How did they find out? They took parts from centrifuges in Pakistan and parts from Iran at the site where the traces first raised concerns. The results? A senior Western diplomat asserted that the traces of highly enriched uranium on centrifuge parts were indeed from imported equipment and were not made by Iran. I geuss its back to square one for the hawks in the Pentagon and Israel. Eat your heart out Wolfowitz. Full Story

Friday, August 19, 2005

Israel Needs Ransom for Gaza Pullout

Israel has asked the United States for 2.2 billion in tax dollars to relocate the residents leaving Gaza. Am I missing something here? I mean is Israel under the impression that it is really the U.S.'s 51st state? If 2.2 billion dollars seems too much to relocate 9100 settlers (thats about a quarter of a million per person!), Ariel Sharon claims that this is a fraction of the cost needed, that it actually amounts to 6-7 billion dollars. Well what do the American people have to say about that, in a poll conducted by CNN showed 94% of the voters against bribing Israel to leave the occupied territory. Israel has truly shown to be an audacious disrespectful, irresponsible and arrogant nation. To ask for something that their government shoould handle. Its bad enough that hard working Americans lose 3 billion of their tax dollars to build settlements every year but now this. To what extent will these free loading thieves ask us to bail them out.

Here is something to think about, consider the rampant starvation crisis in Nigeria right now that threatens the lives of millions. Doctors without Borders estimate that it requires 16 million dollars to meet the demands of this crisis. And we are worried about a bunch of spoiled criminals who can not cry when told to leave the land the stole. The next thing you know they'll be asking Americans to change their diapers!

End the Relationship! Israel is killing America

The past five years has seen a radical change in history. Our nation has been plunged into deep discourse all revolving around the events we saw. We only became aware since the terrible events of 911. But this is only the tip of the iceberg guys. This transcends all of what we have been told to believe.

This blog will not only aim to expose the story of the neocon zionist agenda on all scales but fit recent events into the model to which the history takes place. By then end I hope we as Americans know who our real enemies are and stop the fleecing of our country and the destruction of others. The true enemies rob you and I of our hard earned tax dollars each year. The money you wroked so hard to earn goes to Israel to spend on arms, and advancing technologies while the squalor of our neighborhoods, schools, healthcare benefits and mounting deficit continues. To add to that it dragged us into war with faulty intelligence and the zionist hawks at the pentagon that convinced the administration that this would be a cake walk. These are the true enemies of this nation, its about time we woke up to find the man behind the curtain.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Our Comrades Need Our Help! Show Your Support

To Our Friends in Mecha, Irvine Progressives, Students for Peace and Justice, the Muslim Student Union, and other concerned students,

As you know, the radical Minutemen were in Garden Grove in May, and police arrested, roughed up and charged several of our anti-minutemen protestors with utterly falsecharges. These protestors are our coleagues and many of the are our friends. Many of us stood beside them during the protest in May now lts stand behind them! They need our support at their pre-trial tomorrow: Westminster CourthouseTomorrow - Monday, August 22 8:30 AM (supporters should be there around 8:00 AM) ALL WHO ARE ABLE are sincerely asked to attend. We should be able to takecare of our own while we're in the struggle, don't you think?Showing support in the courtroom really counts. Let's do our part.THIS EMAIL IS NOT JUST FOR YOU, BUT FOR ALL THOSE YOU KNOW. PLEASE SPREADTHE WORD